いま「水辺の小さな自然再生(Collaborative Nature Restoration)」による環境保全が各地で行われています。滋賀県大津市新大宮川では放水路につけられた魚道がうまく機能せずアユが遡上できないという課題がありました。そこで地元の方とともに研究者,学生,行政が人力でできる範囲で再生活動を少しずつ進めています。定期的に生物調査も行いアユの遡上が確認されています。
Collaborative Nature Restoration activities have been conducted in various rivers. Shin-Oomiya River had an issue that Ayu fish could hardly run upstream due to the flow pass didn't go through fishways. Then local residents, researchers, students, and local government staff started restoration with their handwork. Results of bioassessments showed Ayu fish running up fishways.

A fishway before restation

Making a new flow channel to the fishway

After restoration, now the fisway has much water flow

Ayu fish, captured at Shin-Oomiya River