Poster presentation & Best poster award: IPB and KU International Symposium (Report 4)
「京都大学・ボゴール農科大学 ーアジア諸国に展開する地球環境学の教育・研究連携に関する国際シンポジウム」2日目後半に行われた学生および若手研究者によるポスター発表会には,地域資源計画論研究室からNadia Utami Putri,Sonam Sahu,Richa Kandpal,Nguyen Thi Hong,時任美乃理研究員の計5名が参加し,それぞれ研究発表を行いました。
Nadia Utami Putri, Narumasa Tsutsumida and Izuru Saizen
NDVI-based threshold Approach to Estimate Potential Vegetation Cover Using Integrated Google earth engine (GEE) and GIS.

Poster presenter: Nadia Utami Putri
Sonam Sahu and Izuru Saizen
Greenhouse Gas accounting -Variation in honest emission sharing in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India and the world.

Poster presenter: Sonam Sahu (Discussing with the president of Kyoto University)
Richa Kandpal and Izuru Saizen
Self-help group participation for provision of basic services in peri-urban villages – The case of Bhiwandi in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India.

Poster presenter: Richa Kandpal
Nguyen Thi Hong and Izuru Saizen
Investigating nature-based tourism resource using GIS-based multi-criteria approach in the buffer zone of Bach Ma National park, Vietnam.

Poster presenter: Nguyen Thi Hong
Minori Tokito, Izuru Saizen, Satoshi Asano, Keitaro Fukushima, Kenta Watanabe and Takahito Yoshioka
Spatial analysis of the relationship between land use and river-water quality focusing on the nested structure of watersheds -Case study of Yura-river watershed, Japan.

Poster presenter: Minori Tokito
なお,時任研究員は本発表でBest poster award を受賞し,Gala Dinnerにて表彰されました。

Best poster award