Poster presentation & Best poster award: IPB and KU International Symposium (Report 4)
「京都大学・ボゴール農科大学 ーアジア諸国に展開する地球環境学の教育・研究連携に関する国際シンポジウム」2日目後半に行われた学生および若手研究者によるポスター発表会には,地域資源計画論研究室からNadia Utami Putri,Sonam Sahu,Richa Kandpal,Nguyen Thi Hong,時任美乃理研究員の計5名が参加し,それぞれ研究発表を行いました。
Nadia Utami Putri, Narumasa Tsutsumida and Izuru Saizen
NDVI-based threshold Approach to Estimate Potential Vegetation Cover Using Integrated Google earth engine (GEE) and GIS.
Sonam Sahu and Izuru Saizen
Greenhouse Gas accounting -Variation in honest emission sharing in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India and the world.
Richa Kandpal and Izuru Saizen
Self-help group participation for provision of basic services in peri-urban villages – The case of Bhiwandi in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India.
Nguyen Thi Hong and Izuru Saizen
Investigating nature-based tourism resource using GIS-based multi-criteria approach in the buffer zone of Bach Ma National park, Vietnam.
Minori Tokito, Izuru Saizen, Satoshi Asano, Keitaro Fukushima, Kenta Watanabe and Takahito Yoshioka
Spatial analysis of the relationship between land use and river-water quality focusing on the nested structure of watersheds -Case study of Yura-river watershed, Japan.
なお,時任研究員は本発表でBest poster award を受賞し,Gala Dinnerにて表彰されました。