2018 Korea-Japan Rural Plannning Seminar "Depopulation and Rural Services"
2018 Korea-Japan Rural Planning Seminar was held at Rural Research Institute (RRI) in Ansan city, Korea from Oct 11th to 13th.
2018年度日韓農村計画学会交流セミナーがRural Research Institute(韓国安山市)にて10月12~13日に開催されました。
- Izuru Saizen and Naomi Sugata. The introduction of a community-based on-demand bus system and its potential in rural areas. Proceedings of 2018 Korea-Japan Rural Planning Seminar Depopulation and Rural Services, pp 21-22, 2018.
- Minori Tokito, Satoshi Asano and Izuru Saizen. The visible and invisible impact of livelihood development projects in central Vietnam – Evaluation of changes in rural land use and small-scale-livelihoods. Proceedings of 2018 Korea-Japan Rural Planning Seminar Depopulation and Rural Services, pp 43-44, 2018.
今回の学会には韓国の農村計画学会から,かつて地域資源計画論研究室にポスドク研究員として所属していたDae-sik Kim教授(Chungnam national university)とSeung-Jong Bae教授(Seoul National University)も参加されました。
