
松山市で開かれた第13回 日本甲虫学会において,淺野准教授が訪花性カミキリムシの生息条件に関する研究発表をおこないました。


淺野悟史・時任美乃理・西前 出,瀬戸内海地域のフタオビミドリトラカミキリの分布と地理条件―愛媛県西条市加茂川流域を事例に. 口頭発表

塩崎由依, 髙橋奈々, 東 睦雄, 淺野 悟史,西条市千町地区における里山生態系と訪花性カミキリムシとの関係を探ろう. ポスター発表


Asano Assoc Pref. conducted oral presentation on the flowering long-horn beetle and their habitat condition at Japan Society on Coleoptera held in Matsuyama City, on Dec 2-3. In the conference, a poster presentation on the collaborative study with Saijo high school was conducted by Mr. Higashi.

Asano. S., Tokito. M., and Saizen. I., "Distribution and the geographical conditions of Chlorophorus muscosus in Seto inland sea region -Case study in Kamo river basin in Saijo City, Ehime Pref." (Oral presentation)

Shiozaki. Y., Takahashi. N., Higashi., M., and Asano. S., "Detecting the relationship between SATOYAMA ecosystem and flowering long-horn beetles in Senjo District, Saijo City."  (Poster presentation)