京都大学 IPCC Week 2019
京都大学では,2019 年にIPCC(気候変動に関する政府間パネル)の第49 回総会が京都で開かれることを機に,京都⼤学IPCC ウィークス2019が開催されました。5月11日(土)には若手研究者たちと山極壽一総長の「未来を担う若手研究者と地球社会の持続可能な発展に向けた対話」をテーマにした座談会が行われ,研究室からはSonam Sahu(D3)が参加しました。Sonamの研究報告タイトルは下記の通りです。
Sonam Sahu
Climate Targets and Developing countries: discussing the Indian context」
In 2019, from May 6 to 13th, the 49th General Assembly of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will be held in Kyoto City. Taking this opportunity, the International Strategy Office (iSO-KU) and the Kyoto University Research Administration Office (KURA) organized "Kyoto University IPCC Week 2019". During IPCC week, the roundtable discussion between President Juichi Yamagiwa and Kyoto University's young researchers was also held in Kyoto International Conference Hall. The topic was sustainable development and future of global society. From our Lab, Sonam Sahu (D3 student) participated in this event and gave a research presentation.
Sonam Sahu "Climate Targets and Developing countries: discussing the Indian context"
IPCC week, Dialogue with President Juichi Yamagiwa: "How we, as young researchers, want to achieve sustainable development", May 11, 2019.