LRP members won the poster award of Kyoto university international symposium
We are pleased to inform that Max and Tushar won the poster award of the Kyoto University International ONLINE Symposium 2021 on Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies in Asia. Best Poster (Research field of Rural and Urban Development)Maximilian PrutschA study on the impact of traditional Japanese shopping streets “Shōtengai” on the walkability of Japanese […]
A journal paper has been accepted
The cool-temperate forests locating at high-altitude zone in Japan is one of vulnerable zones to climate changes. The presented study discussed the way of the quantitative assessment of Platycerus stag-beetles with female-attracted flight interception traps (FIT) toward proposing a method of quantitative assessment without expertized techniques. Compared with the sweeping on sprouting broad-leaves trees, Platycerus […]
Presentation at the international conference (Tusharkanti)
Doctoral course student, Mr. Tusharkanti, conducted oral presentation at GLP 2021 Asia Conference (Online). Kumar T. Saizen I. Role of socio-hydrological relationship in sustainable development planning of cold desert mountainous region - Case of Ladakh, India, GLP 2021 Asia Conference (online), Sep. 16, 2021.
The journal paper has been acceptted
The following paper has been accepted. Authors including Dr. Sahu who belonged to LRP and Prof. Saizen. Sahu S., Saizen I. Implications of Climate Targets at a Local Level: The Study of Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 95-107. 2021.
The Journal Paper has been accepted
卒業生のRichaさんと西前教授の論文がアクセプトされました。 Kandpal R. Saizen I. Self-help group participation towards sustainable solid waste management in peri-urban villages: Evidence from Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India. Environment, Development and Sustainability (Impact Factor 2.1)