LRP alumni's lecture at the GSGES Career Seminar on February 28, 2025New!!
Ms. Haruka Nakashima give an English lecture at the GSGES career seminar held on February 28, 2025. She is now working at Shizen Energy Inc. after her graduation from LRP in the GSGES master program. Her master course study was regarding the rural development affected by urban development and its responses and she constructed robust […]
Dr. Adib visited LRP on February 28, 2025New!!
Dr. Adib Ahmad Kurnia, who was a spatial audit student in FY 2021, visited LRP on February 28, 2025. Dr. Adib attended LRP seminar online but he could not come to Japan due to Covid-19 pandemic so this was the first time visitation in LRP for him. He brought his certificate of the special audit […]
On-site Laboratory workshop was held at Mahidol University, Bangkok on February 21, 2025New!!
On-site Laboratory workshop was held at Mahidol university, which is one of GSGES's partnership universities, and Prof. Saizen participated it. Before starting the workshop, courtesy call was conducted and we discussed future possibility of further collaboration about research and education activities. Prof. Saizen took the present from GSGES to Dean Thanapat Wanichanon. Group photo before […]
The workshop of the book publishment was held on January 29, 2025
The workshop regarding the book entitled "Livelihood and the Environment in Vietnam" published by Springer Nature was held on January 29, 2025 for celebrating its publishment. Prof. Saizen as one of editors of this book presented the summary of the chapter 4 entitled "Livelihood and Its Surrounding Environments in Rural Areas". So many researchers attended […]
The book has been published
GSGES has been conducted educational and research activities in Vietnam since 2005 and the book regarding these activities has been published in 2024. Prof. Saizen is one of editors and LRP alumni contributed this book as authors (red color in the following list of authors). Livelihood and the Environment in Vietnam 1 Introduction. . . […]
Courtesy call from IPB university and their visitation to IPB (January 20, 2024). The welcome party to IPB members (January 21, 2024)
President of IPB University, Prof. Arif, conducted the courtesy call to GSGES. Prof Saizen attended it as a vice dean. President Arif and other members from IPB university came to LRP for praying after that. We exchanged opinions about further collaborations for the future. All members from IPB university gotten their PhD degree from Japanese […]
Master thesis presentation (January 23 and 24, 2025)
Master thesis presentation was held on January 23 and 24, 2025 and following one was done from LRP member. Adeline Irazabal Davila's presentation was conducted entitled as "The Role of Historical and Cultural Resources in Local Revitalization: Story of a Traditional and a Modern Shrine in Urban Japan". This is group photo after her master […]
The end of the year party at Dec. 26, 2024
The end of the year party was conducted. We enjoyed some events like "Secret Santa". We exchanged Christmas gift among LRP members. This is the group photo. Shall we enjoy our research next year!
The paper is published
An academic paper was published in the Journal of Rural Planning Studies with authors of Mr. Sakamoto, who graduated from LRP in March, 2024, Assoc. Prof. Asano, and Prof. Saizen. This paper content is to study the values of household-level insect farming as a component of livelihood diversification based on Sakamoto's results of the master […]
Poster presentation award at an International Symposium (Novella,Dec. 3, 2024)
Novella was awarded in her poster presentation at Kyoto University International Symposium 2024 held at Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia. GIOVANNI Novella, SAIZEN Izuru, From tradition to transition: exploring Minangkabau Matrilineal communal land management in Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Kyoto University International Symposium 2024, Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom Penh, Dec. 3, 2024.