Pham, T.L., Saizen, I. Coastal fishers’ livelihood adaptations to extreme weather events: an analysis of household strategies in Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Vol. 10, 759, 2023.
Kumar T., Saizen I. Social Innovation Perspective of Community-Based Climate Change Adaptation: A Framework-Based Study of Ladakh, India. Water, 15 (7), 1424, 2023.
Rahmouni N., Saizen I. Planning and governance in a postcolonial context: A historical institutionalist approach to land use planning in Morocco. international Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 2023.
Pravitasari A.E., Priatama R.A., Setyardi P.M., Rustiadi E. Murtadho A., Kurnia A.A., Saizen I., Widodo C.E. Local Sustainability Performance and Its Spatial Interdependency in Urbanizing Java Island: The Case of Jakarta-Bandung Mega Urban Region. Sustainability 2022, 14, 13913.
Tran T.A., Saizen I., Tsutsumida N., Venkatesh R., Le N.H., Nguyen V.A., Nguyen V.L., Ngo T.T., Truong P.M. Flood vulnerability assessment at the local scale using remote sensing and GIS techniques: a case study in Da Nang City, Vietnam. Journal of Water and Climate Change, Vol. 13 No 9, 3217, doi: 10.2166/wcc.2022.029
Bimrah, K., Dasgupta, R., Hashimoto, S., Saizen, I., Dhyani, S. Ecosystem Services of Mangroves: A Systematic Review and Synthesis of Contemporary Scientific Literature. Sustainability, 2022, 14, 12051.
Kurnia A.A., Rustiadi E., Fauzi A., Pravitasari A.E., Saizen I., Ženka J. Understanding Industrial Land Development on Rural-Urban Land Transformation of Jakarta Megacity’s Outer Suburb, Land 11, 670, 2022.
Jatayu A., Saizen I., Rustiadi E., Pribadi D.O., Juanda B. Urban Form Dynamics and Modelling towards Sustainable Hinterland Development in North Cianjur, Jakarta–Bandung Mega-Urban Region. Sustainability, 14, 907, 2022.
Rustiadi E., Priatama R.A., Murtadho A., Kurnia A.A., Mulya S.P., Saizen I., Widodo C.E., Wulandari S. Spatio-temporal distribution patterns and local driving factors of Java's regional development. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10 (12), 812, 2021.
Sahu S., Saizen I. Implications of Climate Targets at a Local Level: The Study of Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 95-107. 2021.
Kandpal R., Saizen I. Self-help group participation towards sustainable solid waste management in peri-urban villages: Evidence from Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2021.
Ko C-Y., Asano S., Lin M-J., Ikeya T., Peralta E., Ellis T., Uehara Y., Ishida T., Iwata T., Tayasu I., Okuda N. Rice paddy irrigation seasonally impacts stream benthic macroinvertebrate diversity at the catchment level. Ecosphere, 2021.
Kondo Y., Fujisawa E., Ishikawa K., Nakahara S., Matsushita K., Asano S., Kamatani K., Kano K., Kumazawa T., Sato K., Okuda N. Community capability building for environmental conservation in Lake Biwa (Japan) through an adaptive and abductive approach. Socio-Ecological Practice Research 3, 167–183, 2021.
Ishida T., Uehara Y., Ikeya T., Haraguchi T.F., Asano S., Ogino Y., Okuda N. Effects of winter flooding on phosphorus dynamics in rice fields. Limnology, 21, 403–413 (doi), 2020.
Tran T.A., Venkatesh R., Nguyen V.L. Saizen I., Tsutsumida N. A GIS-based Approach for Flood Vulnerability Assessment in Hoa Vang District, Danang City, Vietnam. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 652, 012003, 2021. (DOI)
Rustiadi E., Pravitasari A.E., Setiawan Y., Mulya S.P., Pribadi D.O., Tsutsumida N. Impact of Continuous Jakarta Megacity Urban Expansion on the Formation of the Jakarta-Bandung Conurbation over the Rice Farm Regions, Cities 111, 103000, 2021.
Zhao J., Tsutsumida N. Mapping Fragmented Impervious Surface Areas Overlooked by Global Land-Cover Products in the Liping County, Guizhou Province, China, Remote Sensing, 12(9), 1527, 2020.
Hoang C.T., Nguyen T.U., Duong V. H., Tran N.K.N., Nguyen H.C.T., Saizen I. Decadal dynamics and challenges for seagrass beds management in Cu Lao Cham marine protected area, central Vietnam. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 22:7639–7660, 2020.
Nguyen T. H., Saizen I. Preliminary Assessment of Nature-Based Tourism Resources in the Buffer Zone of Bach Ma National Park, Vietnam. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development, 10 (1), 160-166, 2019.
Sahu S., Saizen I. Emissions Sharing Observations from a Diverse Range of Countries. Sustainability, 11 (15), 4013, 2019 (DOI).
Nguyen T.H., Saizen I. Forest Ecosystem Services and Local Communities: Towards a Possible Solution to Reduce Forest Dependence in Bach Ma National Park, Vietnam. Human Ecology, 2019 [DOI].
Ibrahim S., Balzter H., Tansey K., Mathieu R., Tsutsumida N. Impact of soil estimation in Kruger National Park using MODIS data, Remote Sensing, 11 (8), 898;
Kandpal R., Saizen I. Enabling Collaborative Action between Self-Help Groups and Rural Local Bodies through an Exploratory Workshop: The Case of a Peri-Urban Village in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India. Sustainability, 11 (6): Article 1680, 2019. [doi]
Hoang C.T., Tran N.K.N., Le V.T., Saizen I., Catherman R. Spatial and temporal variability of mangrove ecosystems in the Cu Lao Cham-Hoi An Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 27, 100550, 2019.
Sahu S., Saizen I. Allocating a Cumulative Carbon Budget to India –Results from Different Budgeting Periods and Sharing Principles. Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology, 8 (3), 2018. [doi]
Kandpal R., Saizen I. An evaluation of the relative urbanisation in peri-urban villages affected by industrialisation: the case study of Bhiwandi in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India. Spatial Information Research, 27, 137-149, 2019. [doi]
Tsutsumida N., Rodríguez-Veiga P., Harris P., Balzter H., Comber A. Investigating Spatial Error Structures in Continuous Raster Data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 74, 259-268. 2019 [doi]
Sahu S., Saizen I. Development of planning index for evaluating climate change protocols: Analysis of Mumbai Metropolitan Region's Regional Plan 1996-2011. City, Territory and Architecture, 5:5 , 2018. [doi]
Kandpal R., Saizen I. A study on institutional imbalances of the urban-rural governance framework in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India. Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 1-18, 2018. [doi].
Ibrahim S., Balzter H., Tansey K., Tsutsumida N., Mathieu R. Estimating fractional cover of plant functional types in African savanna from harmonic analysis of MODIS time-series data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39 (9), 2718-2745, 2018.
Percival J., Tsutsumida N. Geographically weighted partial correlation for spatial analysis, submitted to GI_forum Journal, 1, 36-43, 2017.
Tsutsumida N., Harris P., Comber A. The application of a geographically weighted principal components analysis for exploring 23 years of goat population change across Mongolia, Annals of the American Association of Geographers 107 (5), 1060-1074, 2017.
Sakai S., Keong C.Y., Kishimoto-Yamada K., Takano K.T., Ichikawa M., Samejima H., Kato Y., Soda R., Ushio M., Saizen I., Nakashizuka T., Itioka T. Social and ecological factors associated with the use of non-timber forest products by people in rural Borneo. Biological Conservation, 204, Part B, 340-349, 2016.
Comber A., Harris P., Tsutsumida N. Improving land cover classification using input variables derived from a geographically weighted principal components analysis. Paper accepted for publication in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 119, 347-360, 2016.
Tran T.D., Le V.A., Shinjo H., Saizen I. Effect of different types of organic fertilizers on peanut yield on Haplic Acrisols in Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam Soil Science Journal, 47, 32-35, 2016.
Tsutsumida N., Comber A., Barrett K., Saizen I., Rustiadi E. Sub-pixel classification of MODIS EVI for annual mappings of impervious surface areas, Remote Sensing, 8, 143, 2016.
Malabrigo P.L., Tiburan C.L., Galanag M.A., Saizen I. Tree Diversity at La Mesa Watershed in Luzon, a Reforested Urban Watershed. Asian Journal of Biodiversity, 6 (2), 22-39, 2015.
Asharose, Saizen I., Praveen Kumar C.S. Awareness Workshop as an Effective Tool and Approach for Education in Disaster Risk Reduction: A Case Study from Tamil Nadu, India. Sustainability, 7, 8965-8984, 2015.
Pravitasari A.E., Saizen I., Tsutsumida N., Rustiadi E. Detection of spatial clusters of flood- and landslide- prone areas using local Moran index in Jabodetabek Metropolitan Area, Indonesia, International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Science, 40 (4), 2014.
Tsutsumida N., Comber A.J. Measures of spatio-temporal accuracy for time series land cover data, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 41, 46-55, 2015.
Pravitasari A.E., Saizen I., Rustiadi E. Towards resilience of Jabodetabek Megacity: Developing a local sustainability index considering local spatial interdependency. International Journal of Sustainable Future for Human Security, 2015.
Tsutsumida N., Saizen I., Matsuoka M., Ishii R. Addressing urban expansion using feature-oriented spatial data in a peripheral area of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Habitat International, Vol. 47, 196-204, 2015.
Pravitasari, A.E., Saizen I., Tsutsumida N., Rustiadi E., Pribadi D.O. Local spatially dependent driving forces of urban expansion in an emerging Asian megacity: the case of Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek). Journal of Sustainable Development, 8 (1), 2015.
Tsutsumida N., Saizen I. Internal Regional Migration Analysis and Modeling of Population Concentration in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 環境情報科学論文集 28,25-30, 2014.
Sanara H., Saizen, I., Tsutsumida N., Watanabe T., Kobayashi S. The Impact of Agricultural Expansion on Forest Cover in Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia. Journal of Agriculture Science, 6 (9), 46-59, 2014.
Asharose, Saizen I. Empowering Communities through Disaster Management Strategies: Are We on the Right Track?. In R. Shaw (Eds), Recovery from Indian Ocean Tsunami: Ten Years Journey. Springer, 347-360, 2014.
Liu Y.Y., Evans J.P., McCabe M.F., de Jeu R.A.M., van Dijk A.I., Dolman A.J., Saizen I. Changing Climate and Overgrazing Are Decimating Mongolian Steppes. PLoS ONE, 8 (2), 2013. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057599
Tsutsumida N., Saizen I., Matsuoka M., Ishii R. Land Cover Change Detection in Ulaanbaatar Using the Breaks for Additive Seasonal and Trend Method, Land, 2 (4), 534-549, 2013.
Kusano E., Saizen I. Spatial market integration of livestock products and road condition in Mongolia. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 47 (4), 423-433, 2013.
Tiburan C., Saizen I., Kobayashi S. Vulnerability Assessment of Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve to Climate Change Using a Geospatial-based Environmental Vulnerability Index. USM R&D Journal, 20 (1), 1-23, 2012.
Saizen I. Changes in livestock species and their spatial distribution. In Yamamura N. Fujita N., Maekawa A. (Eds.), The Mongolian Ecosystem Network -Environmental Issues Under Climate and Social Changes. Springer. 215-232, 2012.
Hyodo F., Nishikawa J., Kohzu A., Fujita N., Saizen I., Tsogtbaatar J., Javzan C., Enkhtuya M., Gantomor D., Amartuvshin N., Ishii R., Wada E. Variation in nitrogen isotopic composition in the Selenga river watershed, Mongolia. Limnology 13, 155-161, 2012.
Tiburan C., Saizen I., Mizuno K., Kobayashi S. Development of a geospatial-based environmental vulnerability index for watersheds to climate change in the Philippines. USM R&D Journal 18 (2), 161-169, 2011.
Saizen I., Maekawa A., Yamamura N. Spatial analysis of time-series changes in livestock distribution by detection of local spatial associations in Mongolia. Applied Geography 30, 639-649, 2010.
Saizen I., Matsuoka M., Ishii R., Kusano E. Exploring the Spatial Impact of Livestock Population on the Amount of Vegetation Across Mongolia: A Geographically Weighted Regression approach. in Sakai S. Ishii R. Yamamura N. (Eds.), RIHN Project Report: Collapse and Restoration of Ecosystem Networks with Human Activity, 83-88, 2013.
Tsutsumida N. Saizen I. Matsuoka M., Ishii R. Time-series Analysis of Private Land Expansion in a Peri-urban Area of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. in Sakai S. Ishii R. Yamamura N. (Eds.), RIHN Project Report: Collapse and Restoration of Ecosystem Networks with Human Activity, 89-94, 2013.
Tiburan C., Saizen I., Kobayashi S. Spatial Relationship and Ecosystem Management. in Uy N., Shaw R. (Eds.), Ecosystem-Based Adaptation, Emerald, 197-222, 2012.
Saizen I. Distribution and density of livestock. In Batjargal Z., Fujita N., Yamamura N. (Eds.), Pastoralism and ecosystem network in Mongolia, ADMON, 286-305, 2012.
Tsutsumida N., Saizen I. Land privatization and its spatial expansion. In Batjargal Z., Fujita N., Yamamura N. (Eds.), Pastoralism and ecosystem network in Mongolia, ADMON, 372-379, 2012.
Non-Peer-Reviewed Article
Dida J. J. V., Tiburan Jr. C. L., Saizen I. Assessment of forest disturbances and carbon stock in Pantabangan-Carranglan watershed, Philippines using remote sensing, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVI-4/W6-2021, 147–152,
Tokito M., Asano S., Saizen I. Regional differences of land-use effects on river-water quality - Case study of Yura river watershed, Japan-. Japan-Korea Rural Planning Seminar 2019, 51-52, Shiga, Japan, 2019.
Asano S., Uehara Y, Ishida T, Ikeya T., Okuda N. Impacts of eco-friendly agriculture on species richness and community structure of aquatic organisms. Japan-Korea Rural Planning Seminar 2019, 22-23, Shiga, Japan, 2019.
Asano S. Bioassessment at inaccessible areas with unmanned aerial system - Case studies of frog spawns and unbeknown habitats of butterfly-. Japan-Korea Rural Planning Seminar 2019, 33-34, Shiga, Japan, 2019.
Yachi S., Asano S., Ikeya T., Ishibashi H., Ishida T., Uehara Y., Wakita K. Okuda N. Diversity of community revitalization process and its relation with biodiversity in the Yasu-river sub-watershed. Japan-Korea Rural Planning Seminar 2019, 24-25, Shiga, Japan, 2019.
Utami N.P., Tsutsumida N. Spatial analysis of land cover fraction and land surface temperature in Jakarta, Indonesia, submitted to the International Association of Geo-informatics (IAG'i), CD-ROM, 2019.
Zhao J. Tsutsumida N. Changes in built-up areas and population in a typical mountainous region—a case study of Liping county, southwest China, submitted to the International Association of Geo-informatics (IAG'i), CD-ROM, 2019.
Percival J., Tsutsumida N., Murakami D., Yoshida T., Nakaya T. Exploring spatial scale by interactive map for geographically weighted correlation, submitted to the International Association of Geo-informatics (IAG'i), CD-ROM, 2019.
Murakami D., Tsutsumida N., Yoshida T., Nakaya T., Lu B. Scalable GWR: A linear-time algorithm for large-scale geographically weighted regression with polynomial kernels, arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.00266, 2019.
Murakami D., Tsutsumida N., Yoshida T., Nakaya T., Lu B. scgwr: Scalable Geographically Weighted Regression, R CRAN,
Saizen I. Sugata N. The introduction of a community-based on-demand bus system and its potential in rural areas. Proceedings of 2018 Korea-Japan Rural Planning Seminar Depopulation and Rural Services, 21-22, 2018.
Tokito M., Asano S., Saizen I. The visible and invisible impact of livelihood development projects in central Vietnam – Evaluation of changes in rural land use and small-scale-livelihoods. Proceedings of 2018 Korea-Japan Rural Planning Seminar Depopulation and Rural Services, 43-44, 2018.
Saizen I., Tokito M., Tran T.D. Loss of livelihood sustainability in mountainous and coastal areas in central Vietnam, in Eds. Kono. Exploring Academic Frontiers for a Sustainable Future: Challenges for Japan-ASEAN Research Collaboration -Towards Our Program Goal-, Kyoto University, 184-186, 2017.
Saizen I., Tsutsumida N. The rapid development of settlements in flood-prone areas in peri-urban Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Monitoring and spatial analysis using VHR satellite imageries, in Eds. Banba M., Shaw R. Land Use Management in Disaster Risk Reduction -Practice and Cases from a Global Perspective, Springer, 137-148, 2017.
Tsutsumida N., Comber A.J., Saizen I. Challenges in spatio-temporal land cover classification and its accuracy assessment, in Katsumi T., Hashimoto S. (Eds.) Towards FUTURE EARTH: Challenges and Progress of Global Environmental Studies, Kaisei Publishing, 61-79, 2016.
堤田成政・ Percival J. 月平均気温・降水量の空間相関分布とその季節性, CSIS DAYS 2016 研究アブストラクト集,p.6, 2016.
Giovanni N., Saizen Izuru, From tradition to transition: exploring Minangkabau Matrilineal communal land management in Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Kyoto University International Symposium 2024, Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom Penh, Dec. 3, 2024.
Le Vu Hoang Trang, Saizen I., Assessing Gender Responsiveness in Climate Policies of Da Nang City, Vietnam. 12th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), September 11-12, 2024, Roma, Italy.
Rahmouni N., Saizen I. Urban Planning in post-colonial contexts: Where Understanding Becomes Actions. IMCL Conference, Poundbury, UK, October 13, 2023.
Kumar, T., Saizen I. Understanding the relationship between snow cover and water scarcity in villages of Ladakh, India. Kyoto University International Symposium 2022 - Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies in Asia, online, Nov. 25, 2022.
Rahmouni N., Saizen I. Public Opinion in Planning Documents: Making the Case for an Institutional Assimilation of Social Sustainability. Kyoto University International Symposium 2022 - Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies in Asia, online, Nov. 25, 2022.
Sukuman T., Prapaspongsa T., Saizen I. Temporal Dynamics and Prediction of Land use and Land Cover Change for Saijo City, Ehime Prefecture, Japan, using Ca-Ann Model. Kyoto University International Symposium 2022 - Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies in Asia, online, Nov. 25, 2022.
Djaimin N.H., Saizen I. The Importance of Sea Toll Connectivity to Support the Regional Economic Development in the Maluku Archipelago Area, Indonesia. Kyoto University International Symposium 2022 - Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies in Asia, online, Nov. 25, 2022.
Hasanah A., Supriatna, Mochamad Indrawan. A Proposed Spatial Model of Ecological Restoration in Banggai Kepulauan Tropical Rainforest, Indonesia. Kyoto University International Symposium 2022 - Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies in Asia, online, Nov. 25, 2022.
Nurfaizah D., Pravitasari A.E., Lubis I., Saizen I. Land Cover Changes and Spatial Planning Alignment in East Java Province. Kyoto University International Symposium 2022 - Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies in Asia, online, Nov. 25, 2022.
Salsiah S., Saizen I., Soetarto E., Pravitasari A.E. Local Sustainability Index Analysis in The Ciletuh – Palabuhanratu UNESCO Global Geopark, Indonesia. Kyoto University International Symposium 2022 - Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies in Asia, online, Nov. 25, 2022.
Rahmouni, N., Saizen, I., Juxtaposition and Layering: The Construction of the Moroccan Postcolonial Urban Identity. PHI 8th International Multidisciplinary Congress, Porto, Portugal, October 7th, 2022.
Kumar T., Saizen I. Effects of changing snowfall pattern on the traditional livelihoods in high mountain villages of Ladakh, India - challenges and local innovations. 5th World Planning Schools Congress 16th Asian Planning Schools Association Congress "Planning A Global Village: Inclusion, Innovation, and Disruption" Sep. 2nd, 2022.
Kumar T. Saizen I. Role of socio-hydrological relationship in sustainable development planning of cold desert mountainous region - Case of Ladakh, India, GLP 2021 Asia Conference (online), Sep. 16, 2021.
Leo Porte. Regional planning for the revitalization of marginal villages in Japan: Case study of Senjo in Ehime Prefecture. 2020 5th Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development, November 7-9, 2020, Phuket, Thailand.
Tsutsumida N. Spatial heterogeneity of errors in land cover data, Model spatial heterogeneity in environmental and ecological processes, RIMS TBMA XVI, Kyoto University, January, 2020 (invited)
Stanny A.Y., Saizen I., Tsutsumida N., Barus B., Pravitasari A.E. Past and future changes in urban areas and paddy fields in Bandung metropolitan area using landsat time series, The 3rd International Conference of AGLE - IGU, Bogor, Indonesia, 2019.
Utami N.P., Tsutsumida N. Spatial analysis of land cover fraction and land surface temperature in Jakarta, Indonesia, submitted to the International Association of Geo-informatics (IAG'i), 19th October, Tokushima, Japan, 2019.
Zhao J., Tsutsumida N. Changes in built-up areas and population in a typical mountainous region—a case study of Liping county, southwest China, submitted to the International Association of Geo-informatics (IAG'i), 19th October, Tokushima, Japan, 2019.
Percival J., Tsutsumida N., Murakami D., Yoshida T., Nakaya T. Exploring spatial scale by interactive map for geographically weighted correlation, submitted to the International Association of Geo-informatics (IAG'i), 19th October, Tokushima, Japan, 2019.
Tsutsumida N., Percival J., Murakami D., Yoshida T., Nakaya T. Interactive mapping for geographically weighted correlation in big census data, FOSS4G 2019 KANSAI.KOBE, October 2019, Kobe, Japan (Kansai award)
Sahu S., Saizen I. Spatial planning and climate change: the case of Mumbai metropolitan region, India. International Conference 2019 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, August 30 - September 1, Chiba University, 2019.
Kandpal R., Saizen I. Developing a socio-institutional approach towards peri-urban planning – A step towards Sustainable Development Goals for India. International Conference 2019 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, August 30 - September 1, Chiba University, 2019.
Tsutsumida N., Percival J., Murakami D., Yoshida T., Nakaya T. Interactive mapping for geographically weighted correlation in big census data, Abstracts of the International Cartographic Conference 2019, 15-20 October, 2019 (poster).
Rodriguez-Veiga P. Tsutsumida N. Detecting and quantifying forest dynamics using SAR time-series data in Indonesia, JpGU 2019, Chiba, 30 May 2019.
Tsutsumida N., Nagai S., Rodriguez-Veiga P, Miura T. Landsat-based Phenological Classification Mapping in Japan, JpGU 2019, Chiba, 30 May 2019.
Nguyen T.H., Saizen I: An investigation of culture-based tourism resources: A case study of the Cotu communities in the buffer zone of Bach Ma National Park, Vietnam. Annual Spring Conference of Rural Planning 2019. The University of Tokyo. 13 April, 2019.
堤田成政・Rodríguez-Veiga P. リモートセンシングによる広域観測データの空間誤差推定に関する研究,第 21 回 環境リモートセンシングシンポジウム,千葉大学, 2019年2月14日.
Matsumoto M., Saizen I. Evaluation of an Environmental Education Program through Social Network. 15th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability, 17-19 January 2019, UBC Robson Square, Vancouver, Canada.
Sahu S., Saizen I. Cumulative Emission quota of India to meet the climate targets: rationale of allowances. 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., December 10-14, 2018.
Tokito M., Saizen M., Asano S., Fukushima K., Watanabe K., Yoshioka T. Spatial analysis of the relationship between land use and river-water quality focusing on the nested structure of watersheds -Case study of Yura-river watershed, Japan. Poster presentations of IPB and KU International Symposium on Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies In Asia. IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor, Indonesia. December 1, 2018. <Best poster award>
Nguyen T.H., Saizen I. Investigating nature-based tourism resource using GIS-based multi-criteria approach in the buffer zone of Bach Ma National park, Vietnam. Poster presentations of IPB and KU International Symposium on Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies In Asia. IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor, Indonesia. December 1, 2018.
Kandpal R., Saizen I. Self-help group participation for provision of basic services in peri-urban villages – The case of Bhiwandi in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India. Poster presentations of IPB and KU International Symposium on Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies In Asia. IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor, Indonesia. December 1, 2018.
Sahu S., Saizen I. Greenhouse Gas accounting -Variation in honest emission sharing in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India and the world. Poster presentations of IPB and KU International Symposium on Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies In Asia. IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor, Indonesia. December 1, 2018.
Putri U.N., Tsutsumida N., Saizen I. NDVI-based threshold Approach to Estimate Potential Vegetation Cover Using Integrated Google earth engine (GEE) and GIS. Poster presentations of IPB and KU International Symposium on Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies In Asia. IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor, Indonesia. December 1, 2018.
Sahu S., Saizen I. Trend detection in CO2 emissions of Mumbai Metropolitan Region and cross comparison with national emission database. International Conference on Green Energy for Sustainable Development, Phuket, Thailand October 24-26, 2018.
Saizen I., Sugata N. The introduction of a community-based on-demand bus system and its potential in rural areas. 2018 Korea-Japan Rural Planning Seminar Depopulation and Rural Services, Korea, October 11-13, 2018.
Tokito M., Asano S., Saizen I. The visible and invisible impact of livelihood development projects in central Vietnam – Evaluation of changes in rural land use and small-scale-livelihoods. 2018 Korea-Japan Rural Planning Seminar Depopulation and Rural Services, Korea, October 11-13, 2018.
Tsutsumida N., Murakami D., Yoshida T., Pravitasari A.E., Nakaya T. Spatially explicit exploratory factor analysis on urban statistical data – Geographically weighted approach –, International Conference on Spatial Analysis and Modeling, Tokyo, September, 2018.
Murakami D., Nakaya T., Tsutsumida N., Yoshida T. Spatially varying coefficient modeling for large data: Application for land price analysis in Tokyo, International Conference on Spatial Analysis and Modeling, Tokyo, September, 2018.
Tokito M. Sustainable rural development and community resilience in central Vietnam: Focusing on household livelihood and livelihood supports. The 10th year anniversary ceremony of Kyoto University Office in Hue. Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam. September 7, 2018.
Kandpal R., Saizen I. Evaluating the effect of industrialization on the development of peri-urban villages – The case of Bhiwandi in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India. RSA Global Conference in China 2018 in Yingjie Exchange Center, Peking University, Beijing, China. June 30, 2018.
Hara Y., Saizen I. The interaction between transformation processes of agricultural structure and the environmental rehabilitation policies in modern Chinese Loess Plateau. 15th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) in Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. 7 June 2018.
Tsutsumida N., Harris P., Comber A. Geographically Weighted Principal Component Analysis for Spatio-temporal Statistical Dataset, IASC-ARS/NZSA 2017.
Tsutsumida N., Percival J. Exploring spatially explicit relation amongst land surface phenology and geographic data at a global scale by geographically weighted approach, Statistics in Ecology and Environmental Monitoring 2017.
Nguyen T.H., Saizen I., Understanding the household's dependence on forest ecosystem services at the buffer zone of Bach Ma National Park, Vietnam. ESP 9 World Conference, Shenzhen, China, December 11-15, 2017.
Tiburan C., Saizen I., Tsutsumida N. Prediction of urban land use change using transition potential modeling and Marcov chain analysis. HUST & KU International Symposium on the Education & Research of the Global Environmental Studies in Asia, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 29-November 1, 2017.
Vongkhamchanh B., Bouddala A., Saphangthong B., Saizen I. The effeicacies of fermented cassava pilp with cassava leaf for fattening of local Yello cattle in Lao PDR. HUST & KU International Symposium on the Education & Research of the Global Environmental Studies in Asia, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 29-November 1, 2017.
Hor S., Saizen I., Tiburan C. Land use change and livelihood capitals: What is the worst livelihood capital concurring along the dynamic landscape? HUST & KU International Symposium on the Education & Research of the Global Environmental Studies in Asia, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 29-November 1, 2017.
Lyhour H., Hor S., Saizen I. Comparing Socioeconomic conditions on three different types of land uses in Ratanakiri Province. HUST & KU International Symposium on the Education & Research of the Global Environmental Studies in Asia, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 29-November 1, 2017.
Nguyen T.H., Saizen I. A study on the household’s dependence on forest resources at the buffer zone of Bach Ma National Park, Vietnam. HUST & KU International Symposium on the Education & Research of the Global Environmental Studies in Asia, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 29-November 1, 2017.
Kandpal R., Saizen I. Study on planning for the equitable development of peri-urban villages in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India. HUST & KU International Symposium on the Education & Research of the Global Environmental Studies in Asia, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 29-November 1, 2017.
Sahu S., Saizen I. Analysis of Mumbai metropolitan regional plans using climate change planning index. HUST & KU International Symposium on the Education & Research of the Global Environmental Studies in Asia, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 29-November 1, 2017.
Tran T.D., Saizen I., Tokito M. Agriculture and forestry in upland and mountainous region in central Vietnam -A case from Nam Dong district-. HUST & KU International Symposium on the Education & Research of the Global Environmental Studies in Asia, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 29-November 1, 2017.
Saizen I., Shibata S. Actions for International Research Cooperation. HUST & KU International Symposium on the Education & Research of the Global Environmental Studies in Asia, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 29-November 1, 2017.
Saizen I., Tokito M., Asano S., Tiburan C.L. A study on spatial distribution of chemical fertilizer and growth regulators application toward appropriate land use configuration along Silang-Santa Rosa River Basin, Philippines. Asian Conference of Remote Sensing 2017, Delhi, India, October 23-27, 2017.
Percival J., Liversage K., Tsutsumida N., Stirnemann R., Van Dijken S., Lavergne E. The importance of habitat connectivity and structure on fish biodiversity and assemblages within Samoan mangroves, the 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, 2017.
堤田成政:時系列衛星画像データ処理ツールの紹介.FOSS4G 2017 KYOTO.KANSAI.
Asano S., Wakita K., Okuda N., Tokito M., Saizen I. Bio-indicators to estimate a state of socio-ecological system. Special Seminar. Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, September 9, 2017.
Tokito M. Study on the land use and livelihood resilience in the face of growing dependence on mono-cropping of industrial tree plantations - A case in central Vietnam, Special Seminar. Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, September 9, 2017.
Percival J., Tsutsumida N. Mapping of mangrove ecosystems using a UAV with a simple RGB sensor, RSPsoc 2017, London, UK.
Tsutsumida N., Rodriguez-Veiga P., Harris P., Comber A., Percival J. Spatial considerations of accuracy for satellite-based biomass mapping, RSPsoc 2017, London, UK.
Harris P., Comber A., Tsutsumida N. Specifying regression models for spatio-temporal data sets, Geocomputation 2017, Leeds, UK.
Comber A., Harris P. Tsutsumida N. The late arrival at the Geocomputation party and the need for considered approaches to spatio-temporal analyses, Geocomputation 2017, Leeds, UK, 2017.
Sahu S. Saizen I. Contriving Development or Controlling Urbanization -Priorities for a Developing Metro City in the Changing Climate., 8th Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 23-25, 2017.
Matsumoto M., Saizen I. Evaluating school eco-centers at elementary schools in Calamba City, Philippines, and their impact on students' solid waste disposal practices. IASC Conference 2017, Utrecht, Netherlands, July 12, 2017.
Tsutsumida N. Google Earth Engine for Environmental Research, Google Earth Engine Workshop in Kyoto, Kyoto University, July, Japan.
Percival J., Tsutsumida N. Geographically weighted partial correlation for spatial analysis, GI_folum, July, Salzburg, Austria, 2017.
淺野悟史・時任美乃理・Tran Thanh Duc・Le Van An・西前出:ベトナム中部山岳農村におけるヤバネサトイモXanthosoma属2種の利用と分子生態学的考察.第27回熱帯生態学会年次大会,奄美市,鹿児島,6月18日,2017.
Kandpal R., Saizen I. An Institutional Analysis of Urban Rural Relations for constructing an efficient Governance Framework in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India. RSA Annual Conference 2017, Dublin, Ireland, June 2017.
Percival J., Tsutsumida N. Spatial correlation for phenological responses to climate, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, Japan, 2017.
Hara Y. Tsutsumida N., Saizen I. Afforestation monitoring using long-term remotely sensed data in Chinese semi-arid area, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, Japan, 2017.
Tsutsumida N. Long-term monitoring of land surface phenological changes, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, Japan, 2017.
Tsutsumida N. Kaduk J. Impact of spatial scale for phenological indices derived from remotely sensed data, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, Japan, 2017.
Kaduk J., Barrett K., Mendoza-Rosales A., Tsutsumida N. Impacts of changes in phenology on land-atmosphere interactions in temperate and boreal regions, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, Japan, 2017.
Nakashima H., Asano S., Tokito M., Saizen I., Tiburan C. A situation on land ownership problems of Barangay Carmen. International Seminar: The Adaptive Watershed Governance in the Laguna de Bay, RIHN, Kyoto Japan, March 21, 2017.
Nakashima H., Asano S., Tokito M., Saizen I., Tiburan C. Field survey report of living environment and use of water resources in Barangay Carmen, International Workshop on River and Groundwater Pollution in Silang-Santa Rosa Watershed, RIHN, Kyoto Japan, March 22, 2017.
Asano S., Uehara Y., Osaka K., Privaldos L.O., Nakashima H., Tokito M., Saizen I., Okuda N. Spatial Pattern of Ground Water Utilization in Silang-Santa Rosa Sub-watershed. International Workshop on River and Groundwater Pollution in Silang-Santa Rosa Watershed, RIHN, Kyoto Japan, March 22, 2017.
Tsutsumida N. Introduction of this meeting and Spatio-temporal analysis for land cover and climate data, research meeting of Applied Geographic Information Science, Kyoto, Japan, February 17, 2017.
Tokito M., Asano S., Saizen I., Tran T.D., Le V.A. Diversity Evaluation to Promote Livelihood Resilience in Rural Area of Central Vietnam, International Symposium on the Education & Research of the Global Environmental Studies in Asia, November 13-15, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.
Nonoshita M., Saizen I. Impacts and Challenges of Community Based Environmental Conservation Projects for Sustainable Upland Development -A Case of Conservation Farming Village in General Nakar, the Philippines-. International Symposium on the Education & Research of the Global Environmental Studies in Asia, November 13-15, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.
Yoshinaga Y., Saizen I. Current Situation and Challenges of Community Based Farmer's Group (KTH) for Production Forest in Bogor, Indonesia. International Symposium on the Education & Research of the Global Environmental Studies in Asia, November 13-15, Bangkok, Thailand, 2016.
堤田成政・Percival Joseph:月平均気温・降水量の空間創刊分布とその季節性.CSIS Days 2016,千葉,11月,2016.
Nonoshita M., Saizen I. Impacts of traditional culture inheritance on the maintenance of village functions: A case study of Nouson Kabuki in Shodoshima, Japan. 1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity, October 27-29, Ishikawa, Japan, 2016.
Saizen I., Asano S., Tiburan C.L., Tokito M., Hara Y., Tsutsumida N. Spatial analysis of land cover configuration for sustainable water quality management in the Silang-Santa Rosa river basin, Laguna, Philippines. Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2016, October 17-21, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2016.
Asano S., Wakita K., Saizen I., Okuda N. Can the spawn of Japanese brown frogs (Rana Japonica, Ranidae) be a local environmental index to evaluate environmentally friendly rice paddies? Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2016, October 17-21, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2011.
Tokito M., Asano S., Saizen I. Evaluation of agricultural landscape heterogeneity applying the Satoyama index to promote sustainable regional planning in rural areas of central Vietnam. Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2016, October 17-21, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2016.
Hara Y., Saizen I. Spatial analysis on surface deformation by soil erosion in the Chinese loess plateau using InSar techniques. Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2016, October 17-21, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2016.
Tsutsumida N. Comber A. Spatial accuracy measures of soft classification in land cover, GIScience 2016, September 27-30, Montreal, Canada (poster), 2016.
Tsutsumida N., Balzter H., Barrett K., Harris P., ComberA., Padilla-Parellada M., Rodriguez-Veiga P., Tansey K., Tate N., Saizen I., Shinjo H. Fractional land cover dynamics during 1983-2012 using GIMMS NDVI3g, RSPSoc Annual Conference 2016, September 5-8, Nottingham, UK, 2016.
Tsutsumida N. Spatial accuracy assessment of soft classification land cover map, jpgu, May 22-26, Chiba, Japan, 2016.
Saizen I. The study on changes of livelihood in mountainous and coastal regions of central Vietnam, CoHHO International Seminar, January 25, Kyoto University Japan, 2016.
Tokito I. The changes of land-use and livelihood at mountainous regions of Central Vietnam, CoHHO International Seminar, January 25, Kyoto University, Japan, 2016.
Takeoka Y. A study on livelihood and its changes in coastal areas of central Vietnam, CoHHO International Seminar, January 25, Kyoto University, Japan, 2016.
Saizen I., Tsutsumida N., Ishii R., Matsuoka M. The detection of increasing vulnerability to flash flood in peri-urban area of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia through spatial analysis of VHR satellite imageries. Asian Conference of Remote Sensing 2015, October 19-23, Manilia, Philippines, 2015.
Tsutsumida N., Comber A. The impacts of imperfect reference data on land cover classification accuracy, RSPSoc, NCEO and CEOI-ST joint annual conference 2015, September 9-11, Southampton, UK, 2015.
Tokito M., Saizen I., Asano S., Tran T.D., Le V.A. Is the livestock providing project really effective for sustainable livelihoods? Result from a community-based questionnaire survey in central Vietnam, The 3rd International Symposium on Formulation of the cooperation hub for Global Environmental Studies in Indochina Region, Danang University, July 2015.
Tran T.D., Le V.A., Shinjo H., Saizen I. Effect of different types of organic fertilizers on peanut yield in Huong Tra town, Thua Thien Hue province, central Vietnam, The 3rd International Symposium on Formulation of the cooperation hub for Global Environmental Studies in Indochina Region, Danang University, July 2015.
Saizen I., Tokito M., Morikawa S., Imura M., Asano S., Tsutsumida N., Tran T.D., Le V.A. A study on the sustainability of a ethnic minority's livelihood from the viewpoints of the carrying capacity of land -a case of a hamlet in Nam Dong district, Vietnam-, The 3rd International Symposium on Formulation of the cooperation hub for Global Environmental Studies in Indochina Region, Danang University, July 2015.
Fukushima S., Uchida Y., Saizen I. Effects of social norms on cooperative behavior in correlation with geographical network size: An empirical approach to cultural unit and transmission. 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Ling beach, USA, February 26-28, 2015.
Asharose, Saizen I. Disaster risk management: A substantial element for ensuring sustainability. Eleventh Sustainability Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, January 21-23, 2015.
Pravitasari A.E., Saizen I. How does Java face the problems of rapid urban development and urbanization. Eleventh Sustainability Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, January 21-23, 2015.
Tsutsumida N., Saizen I. Internal Regional Migration Analysis and Modeling of Population Concentration for Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 第28回環境情報科学学術研究論文発表会,日本大学,2014年12月.
Pravitasari A.E., Saizen I., Rustiadi E. Towards resilience of Jabodetabek megacity: Developing local sustainability index with considering local spatial interdependency. The 5th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (SustaiN) 2014, Bali Indonesia, November 19-21, 2014. (Awarded: The Best Paper for Sustainable Built EnvironmentalTopic)
Saizen I., Tokito M., Imura M., Morikawa S. The study on changes of ethnic minority’s livelihood through the exhaustive interview and GIS analysis. Seminar at Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, October 20, 2014.
Tokito M. Loss of the land use diversity and sustainability of ethnic minority’s livelihood -Field survey report from a community of Cotu ethnic group in Central Vietnam-. Seminar at Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, October 20, 2014.
Morikawa S. Field Survey of Doi hamlet in Nam Dong research about education, Women's role, traditional culture. Seminar at Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, October 20, 2014.
Imura M. Relationship to visitors in Doi hamlet. Seminar at Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, October 20, 2014.
Tsutsumida N., Comber A.J., Barrett K., Saizen I. A time series analysis of land cover change: random forest models of annual changes in urban land cover. GIScience 2014, Vienna University of Technology, September 23-26, 2014.
Pravitasari A.E., Saizen I., Tsutsumida N., Rustiadi E. Urban development vs environmental degradation in Jabodetabek region, Indonesia: Investigating spatial distribution pattern of floods and landslides using Local Moran Index. 10th World Congress of the RSAI, virtual conference, May 28, 2014.
Asharose, Saizen I. Disaster risk reduction, it's education: with a special mention on DRH-Asia and the educational tool developed. Disaster Risk and Vulnerability Conference (DRVC), University of Kerala, April 26, 2014.
Saizen I., Tsutsumida N., Ishii R., Matsuoka M., Kusano E., Yamamura N. Spatial modelling of livestock grazing impacts on the amount of vegetation in Mongolia. GLP 2nd Open Science Meeting, Humboldt University, March 19, 2014.
Sakai S., Keong C.Y., Kato Y., Samejima H., Koizumi M., Takano K., Saizen I., Kishimoto-Yamada K., Itioka T., Nakashizuka T., Ichikawa M., Soda R. Changes in the use of ecosystem services by local people: Cause and consequences. GLP 2nd Open Science Meeting, Humboldt University, March 19, 2014.
Tsutsumida N., Saizen I., Ishii R., Matsuoka M. Understanding the process of urban expansion in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. GLP 2nd Open Science Meeting, Humboldt University, March 19, 2014.
Tsutsumida N. Current researches related to LULCC by anthropogenic disturbances. Workshop for International Network-hub for Future Earth: Research for Global Sustainability. University of Leicester, March 17, 2014.
Saizen I. Research framework of International Network-hub for Future Earth: Research for Global Sustainability. Workshop for International Network-hub for Future Earth: Research for Global Sustainability. University of Leicester, March 17, 2014.
Saizen I. Grassland Management in Mongolia and Sustainable Resource Management in Nam Dong, Vietnam, Seminar at Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam, March 7, 2014.
Fukushima S., Uchida Y., Saizen I. Are Cooperative Individuals or Cooperative Groups generated depending on different types of trust? A multilevel analysis on resource management of rural communities in Japan, The Fifteenth Annual Meeting of The Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, USA, Feb. 2014.
Hor S., Mizuno K., Kobayashi S., Watanabe T., Saizen I., Tsutsumida N. Land Use Changes in Northeastern Cambodia: Local Practice and Policy Response. 日本国際地域開発学会 2013年度秋季大会,弘前大学,2013年11月.
Asano S. Analysis of causes of irreversible land-use changes in southern Laos, in the international conference for academic exchange agreement with Champasak University, Nagoya University, October 2013.
Tsutsumida N., Saizen I., Amarbal A., Otomo A. Time-spatial analysis of in-migration to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The 15th Korea & Japan International Symposium on GIS, Jeju, South Korea, October, 2013.
Pravitasari A.E, Saizen I., Tsutsumida N., Watanabe T., Rustiadi E. Exploring the Driving Forces of Land-Cover Change Behind Urban Expansion in Jabodetabek, Indonesia. 4th Jabodetabek Study Forum Seminar-Resilient Megacities: Idea, Reality, and Movement-, Bogor, Indonesia, October 2013.
Tsutsumida N. Saizen I. Spatial Detection of Vegetation Biomass/Cover Changes using NDVI Time Series in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 4th Jabodetabek Study Forum Seminar- Resilient Megacities: Idea, Reality, and Movement-, Bogor, Indonesia, October 2013.
Fukushima S., Uchida Y., Saizen I. The synergy effect of economic and social capital on health: A multilevel analysis in rural areas of northern Kyoto prefecture. The International Conference on Social Stratification and Health 2013 - Interdisciplinary Research and Action for Equity, Tokyo University, August 2013.
Tsutsumida N., Saizen I. Land Cover Assessment in Mongolia by Principal Component Analysis of Phonological Parameters using MODIS Images, The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Maryland, USA, March 2013.
Fukushima S., Saizen I., Uchida Y., Kondo N. A study on collective properties of happiness through the questionnaire survey in Japan, The Fourteenth Annual Meeting of The Society for Personality and Social Psychology, USA, January 2013.
Saizen I. Modelling the spatial distribution of livestock population by GIS in Mongolia. International Symposium "Pastralism and Ecosystem Network in Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, September 2012.
Tsutsumida, N., Saizen I., Matsuoka M., Ishii R. GIS-based analysis on private lands expansion using high-resolution satellite imagery in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, International Conference on Future Environment and Energy, Singapore, February 2012.
Saizen I., Tsutsumida N. The spatial characteristics of urban sprawl and the effect of land-use planning in Asian megacities. International open science conference on global environmental change, Chennai India, February 2012.
Saizen I., Tsutsumida N. Future collaborative studies of urban sprawl and linkage to rural areas in Chennai, A National Level Training on Application of Geoinformatics for the Impact of Climate Change on Natural Resource Management, Sathyabama University, Chennai India, August 2011.
Tiburan C.L., Saizen I., Kobayashi S. Comparative analysis of watershed using geospatial-based vulnerability assessment approach to climate change in the Philippines, Proceedings of IDRiM Conference, Los Angels CA, USA, 2011.
Tibran C.L., Saizen I., Mizuno K., Kobayashi S. Development and Application of a Geospatial-based Environmental Vulnerability Index for Watersheds to Climate Change in the Philippines. Asia and the Pacific Symposium - Vulnerability Assessments to Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards. Manila, Philippines, 2010.
Tiburan C.L., Kobayashi S., Saizen I., Mizuno K. Vulnerability assessment of Mountain ecosystems in the Philippines using a Geospatial-based environmental vulnerability index: case study of the Makiling forest reserve. International Forestry Review, Vol.12, pp.40, XXIII IUFRO World Congress, South Korea, August 2010.